Education facilities have an ability to galvanise communities, providing hubs to make friends and build connections, encourage understanding and inspire students to flourish.
We collaborate with numerous stakeholders through our design process; from educators, staff and students, to parents, carers and facility managers, testing ideas tailored specifically for each community, drawing on their particular connection to place.
Our approach is to go beyond the surface of the functional brief, designing highly resolved buildings and external spaces which conceptually work on multiple levels, allowing a variety of readings to be accessible to all who interact with them.
Through our designs, we aim to impact both teacher and student performance and well-being, providing flexible spaces which allow for diverse settings, able to match current or emerging approaches to teaching and learning.
We create inspiring settings that nurture inclusive learning environments which incorporate integrated environmentally sustainable outcomes.
Working in both public and private sectors, we undertake education projects for tertiary, secondary and primary academic institutions. We also help deliver places which support young families, such as Kindergartens and Child and Family Learning Centres.
Our scale of experience in education work is broad, from whole school masterplans to major redevelopments, new infill buildings or smaller refurbishment projects which allow a school to improve its operation and functionality.